Resource Mangement Support
specialist advice to ensure Good Outcomes
Many uses and developments of land and other natural resources are subject to a complex set of national policies and regional and local government plans, rules and regulations. This can be a complex area requiring specialist advice to ensure good outcomes, whether you are submitting on a national policy instrument, regional or district plan, applying for a resource consent or making a submission in support or opposition to plan changes or consent applications at the national, regional or local level.
During his time working in the natural resource sector of Government, Mike was directly involved in RMA matters as they affected rural landowners including in reforms to the RMA legislation and the development of national policy instruments on water and contaminants, and plan changes and submissions to councils. Mike has been an expert witness and has worked closely with central government agencies and regional and district councils throughout his career.
Mike is a qualified RMA Commissioner having passed the necessary certification with the highest grades possible to allow him to operate as an independent Environmental Commissioner. Mike has a Masters in Resource Management and is a member of the Resource Management Law Association.
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Southern Falcon is available to support you working with your local and/or regional council in regards your resource consent or to make a submission on a proposed consent, plan or policy change. This could include:
- Coordination of consultants to prepare the required expert reports to support your application
- Act as a main point of contact with consultant team, local authority and others as necessary.
- Act as an independent commissioner on a hearings panel for resource consents, and local government plan and policy changes on behalf of council.
Policy Planning
- Review of and provide advice on proposed district plan and plan change provisions
- Provide policy advice on central, regional & local government matters
- Representation at Court-ordered processes such as mediation and joint witness conferencing
- Representation as an Expert Witness at Council and Environment Court Hearings
- Preparation of submission
Resource Consenting
- Provide advice on proposals
- Preparation of resource consent applications for land use and subdivision
- Preparation of applications for variations to resource consent conditions
- Project management of consenting process and sub-consultants
- Managing limited and publicly notified application processes
- Consultation with neighboring properties and interested parties
- Preparing evidence for consent hearings and Environment Court
- Preparing appeals and appearing at hearings on behalf of submitters
- Representation at Court-ordered processes such as mediation and joint witness conferencing
- Representation as an expert witness at Council and Environment Court hearings
- Research and information collection to assist you with your statutory and resource management decisions
- Strategic advice on resource management matters
- Review and advise on National Policy and regulations, regional and local government matters
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These services will be of interest to: farmers, foresters, lifestyle landowners, councils. Government agencies and others who care about the rural environment.
Contact Southern Falcon to discuss how we can support your resource management needs.
I worked closely with Mike Jebson, during my time as Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Primary Industries. I greatly appreciate the passion Mike showed to the primary sector, and well researched information he presented to me.
His advice was always sound, and valuable to me.
He broadened his career expertise , when he left the Ministry of Primary Industries to become Chief Executive of the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust, a position he held for 6 years.
I am aware that his work in this was well regarded by all politicians, regardless of political persuasion.